A way to build a respectful community of climbers!

Climbing gyms are one of the best places to meet new people, challenge your body, and have an amazing workout. The rules of conduct and behaviour in climbing gyms are based on mutual respect, kindness, and sharing the space with others. In this blog post, we'll will guide you through the basic principles of climbing gym etiquette and point out the dos and don'ts of navigating the bouldering gym environment.

1. Avoid Beta Spraying

One of the most common violations of climbing gym etiquette is "beta spraying". Beta is information about the climb, it can be a sequence of moves, a foothold, or a handhold. Some climbers may feel inclined to shout instructions or offer unsolicited advice to other climbers who are working on a problem. While this may be well-intentioned, it can also be distracting, annoying, and even disrespectful to the climber who is trying to figure out their own way up the wall. The best approach is to ask if the climber needs help or advice, and wait for their response before offering any suggestions.

2. Stay Out of Fall Zones

Safety first! Always be aware of fall zones—the areas where a climber might land if they fall. Avoid standing, sitting, or walking through these zones while someone is climbing. Keeping these areas clear reduces the risk of accidents and lets climbers focus without worry.

3. Wear a Shirt

Wearing a shirt is about hygiene and respect. It keeps the gym clean and comfortable for everyone. Plus, it’s a standard rule in most gyms.

4. Brush Holds After Use

Chalk buildup can make holds slippery and challenging for the next climber. Use the brushes provided by the gym to clean holds after you’ve used them, especially if you chalked them heavily. This small act of courtesy keeps the holds in good condition for everyone.

5. Inform Staff About Issues

If you notice a loose hold or if you’re bleeding, let the gym staff know immediately. Loose holds can be dangerous and need to be fixed promptly. Similarly, if you scrape yourself or start bleeding, alert the staff so they can clean and sanitise the area.

6. Take Turns on Climbs

During busy times, multiple climbers may want to try the same route. Be considerate and take turns. Avoid monopolising a climb and be aware of others waiting for their chance. Sharing the wall ensures everyone gets equal opportunities to climb.

7. Ask Questions if You’re Not Sure

If you’re unsure about anything—whether it’s the rules, a technique, or the grading system—don’t hesitate to ask. Staff members and other climbers are happy to help. Asking questions not only helps you improve but also shows your respect for the gym’s community and guidelines.

8. Be Considerate to Others

Consideration for fellow climbers is the heart of good gym etiquette. Be mindful of your volume, language, and behavior. Offer encouragement and support, and celebrate others' successes as well as your own. Being considerate fosters a positive and inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome.


Bouldering gym etiquette is all about respect and kindness—respect for the space, the staff, and your fellow climbers. By following these simple guidelines, you help create a safe, welcoming, and enjoyable environment for everyone. So next time you visit The Crux or any bouldering gym, keep these tips in mind and climb on with respect and kindness. Happy climbing!